Announcements Registration

Early Bird Deadline Extended Through February 6th!

Good news! In order to allow time for all who would like to register with the discount to do so, we have extended the deadline for Early Bird registration until 11:59pm on Wednesday, February 6, 2019. Regular registration prices will take effect on Thursday, February 7 at 12:00am.

So please, register before February 6th to receive a discount off of the regular registration fee for the 13th Moravian Women’s Conference, to be held June 20-23, 2019 at the Embassy Suites in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. (You’ll find an updated printed registration form here.)

The Moravian Women’s Conference is a gathering hosted by the Northern and Southern Provinces of the Moravian Church in North America. The conference centers around a biblical theme and offers time for attendees to relax their bodies, refresh their spirits, and renew their commitment to God and to each other. With faith, love, and hope, women leave the conference with a new enthusiasm and commitment to serve God, each other, and the world. We hope you’ll join us!


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