A full communion relationship between the Moravian Church Northern Province, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, and the Anglican Church of Canada has been unanimously approved by all three denominations at their respective synods and assemblies.
The resolution adopted by the 2023 Synod of the Moravian Church Northern Province also affirms the commitments of the Waterloo Declaration of 2001 (read more here), namely:
- to welcome persons ordained in either of our churches to the office of bishop, priest/pastor, or deacon to serve, by invitation and in accordance with any regulations which may from time to time be in force, in that ministry in the receiving church without re-ordination;
- to invite one another’s bishops to participate in the laying on of hands at the ordination of bishops as a sign of the unity and continuity of the Church, and to invite pastors and priests to participate in the laying on of hands at the ordination of pastors or priests in each other’s churches;
- to consult with one another regarding developments in our understanding of the ministry of all the baptized, including the ordained ministry;
- to establish appropriate forms of collegial and conciliar consultation on significant matters of faith and order, mission and service;
- to encourage regular consultation and collaboration among members of our churches at all levels, to promote the formulation and adoption of covenants for common work in mission and ministry, and to facilitate learning and exchange of ideas and information on theological, pastoral, and mission matters;
- to participate in a Joint Commission to nurture our growth in communion, to coordinate the implementation of this Declaration, and report to the decision making bodies of both our churches;
- to hold joint meetings of national, regional, and local decision-making bodies wherever practicable, and
- to continue to work together for the full visible unity of the whole Church of God
We are sincerely grateful to ecumenical leaders from the Moravian Church, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, and the Anglican Church of Canada, for continuing the important ecumenical work of healing and reconciliation.
As each denomination explored the potential new relationship, a Lutheran-Anglican-Moravian working group was tasked with creating resources for denominational leaders, clergy, congregations, and individuals. Click here to learn more about each denomination and the full communion agreement.