December 2012
In this issue: A clothing distribution helps hundreds in Staten Island; crafting for ministry; congregational milestones and much more!
- Central Putz featured on 2012 Christmas City Seal
- From our Staten Island churches
- Annual clothing drive helps Staten Island residents feel blessed
- Prayer shawl ministry spreads to ever-widening circle
- Paraments for churches: Looking for God in other places
- Conference attracts Moravian scholars from around the globe
- The fog is lifting in Labrador
- Oak Grove celebrates 125 years
- Schoeneck Moravian: 250 years of worship and mission
- Ponderings: Weathering the Storm
- Obituaries
- Official Provincial Elders’ News
- 2012 Index of The Moravian
November 2012
In this issue: we feature 25 years of Moravian Open Door, using the Daily Texts, ministry to older adults and more!
- Project delivers Moravian books to libraries around the globe
- MOD celebrates 25 years of helping homeless help themselves
- The Moravian Church in Nepal: A people of hope and newness
- Operation Supply Train makes its first delivery
- Episcopal Church welcomes Moravian pastor in historic example of communion
- Celebrating the Moravian Spirit at the second Moravian Festival
- Using the 2013 Moravian Daily Texts
- Salemtowne: Forty years strong…and stronger
- Marquardt Village announces renovation and redevelopment plans
- Ponderings: That song stuck in my head
- Official Provincial Elders’ News
- Statistics of the Moravian Church in U.S. and Canada
October 2012
In this issue: Historic Bethabara, remembering Andy Griffith, visiting the Board of Coorperative Ministries and more!
- Historic Moravian palisade in North Carolina in need of protection
- Ephraim Moravian proves an “old dog can learn new tricks:
- Covenant Moravian Church focuses on communicating
- Remembering the Moravian roots of a television legend
- Scouting and the Moravian Church
- The Order of David Zeisberger
- Building, Connecting, Mobilizing
- In appreciation for a generation of leadership
- Connecting with Moravian youth at Convo 2013
- Evangelism to the Sukuma
- Ponderings: An Intern’s Story: How I spent my summer vacation
- Official Provincial Elders’ News
September 2012
In this issue we feature the Eastern District Synod of 2012, Moravian Music, milestone celebrations, Congregational outreach and more!
- Eastern District Synod stimulates and strengthens the work of the Lord
- Eastern District elects executive board for next four years
- A school helps a church “be the church” Monday through Friday
- Learning for a Lifetime: The Comenius Forum at Central Moravian Church
- A Century of Service: Trinity Moravian Church turns 100
- Dr. Nola Reed Knouse: Helping to keep Moravian music alive and well
- Renovations preserve link to missionary past
- Erwin Boettcher: Celebrating 60 years of ordination
- Moravian Theological Seminary awards Wayne Burkette in the 2012 John Hus Award
- The Moravians in Mississippi: Seven years of service to repair Katrina’s damage
- The recharging power of salt water and Synods
- Upcoming Events: Fall events offer a wealth of Moravian culture and heritage
- Official Provincial Elders’ News
- Obituaries
July/August 2012
In this issue we feature the commencement at Moravian Theological Seminary, the Southern Province Intersynodal Gathering, the Canadian District Synod, and more!
- Moravian Theological Seminary concludes 205th academic year
- Intersynodal Gathering: Moving Forward Together
- Open the eyes of our heart, Lord: impressions of the Intersynodal Gathering
- We Gathered Together: impressions of the Intersynodal Gathering
- Canadian District finds God speaking in newness, faithfulness and oneness
- Synod elects Board of Elders for Canadian District
- Clean Water Project brings new wells to Nicaragua
- A new airplane hangar for Alas de Socorrro
- First Moravian celebrates music director’s 50 years
- Bethlehem to host 24th Moravian Music Festival in July 2013
- IBOC introduces enhanced Moravian Church in North America web site
- Ponderings: Welcoming Jodi Bortz
- Official Provincial Elders’ News
- Obituary: Mrs. Clement E. Semper
June 2012
In this issue we feature the Western District Synod, Guidelines for Biblical Interpretation, the third annual Environmental Stewardship Conference and more!
- Guided by Ephesians, building up the body of Christ
- Western District Synod elects new executive board
- Moravian Open Door launches breakfast program
- Faith & Order Commission presents Guiding Principles of Biblical Interpretation
- Environmental Stewardship Conference shares need to care for nature
- Spiritual Life Retreat brings peace, fellowship for Southern Provincial Women
- Bringing the 2013 Moravian Daily Texts into the digital realm
- Ponderings: Travel offers wonders and blessings
- Official Provincial Elders’ News
- Obituary: The Rt. Rev. Warren A. Sautebin
May 2012
In this issue: Moravian Camping Minstry; Latino Ministries Conference addresses expanding minstry; A Moravian and Muslim answer an Imam’s request; and more!
- Spiritual growth in the great outdoors
- Hope Center: Memories are made here
- Laurel Ridge invites campers to spend time on the mountain
- I got a song in my heart and I want to share it with you…
- Mid-states ministry offers camping for Ohio, Michigan, Indiana and Illinois
- “Come, Follow Me” to Camp Van-Es
- Western District Camping 2012
- Mt. Morris ready to Raise the Roof!
- Working together to promote Moravian history
- A Moravian and Muslim answer an Imam’s request
- Latino Ministries Conference addresses expanding ministry
- Ponderings: Yes, I’ve been to Laurel Ridge
- What does it mean to be Moravian? An invitation to share
- Book Review: “Less Clutter. Less Noise.” by Kem Meyer
- Official Provincial Elders’ News
April 2012
In this month’s issue: Interpreting scripture through painting, Moravians in mission, Easter traditions, the Moravian Covenant for Christian Living and more!
- The Easter Morning Sunrise Service
- Dover First Moravian Church: Painting the Lenten Scriptures
- Ocean Springs team continues its work rebuilding lives
- Unity and Southern Province delegation travels to Cuba
- Tanzania Orphan Projram enters its twelfth year
- Sukuma join the Moravian Church in Tanzania
- The Moravian Covenant for Christian Living
- New music submissions accepted through July 31, 2012
- Ponderings: Lenten Services offer prayer, learning….and soup!
- News Shorts: Church celebrates 555 years, Leatherbound Moravian Book of Worship
- Official Provincial Elders’ News
March 2012
In this issue: Preview of 2012 Synods and Gatherings; Efforts to support Star Mountain Rehabilitation Center in the West Bank; “Bring Your Own Bible;” and more!
- Annie B. Mission: Raising funds for a speech therapist at Star Mountain
- We want to hear the children speak…
- A mission, a hospital, a symbol of peaceful cooperation
- Spring 2012 Moravian Church Synod Preview
- Moravian pastor honored with Winston-Salem’s MLK Young Dreamer Award
- Lifelong Moravian Wilma Lewis appointed federal judge in Virgin Islands
- A Feast of Song: Central Moravian Church Choir tours Jamaica
- B.Y.O.B. Sunday— that’s Bring Your Own Bible!
- Conference on Moravian History and Music coming to Bethlehem in October
- Southern Province seeks staff for Board of Cooperative Ministries
- Ponderings: Nature’s sounds fuel creativity and focus
- Official Provincial Elders’ News
- Obituaries
- Northern Province Society for Promoting the Gospel offers grants
January/February 2012
In this issue: Moravians in Tanzania, Celebrating 70 Years of Camp VanEs, A Restored Moravian Art Treasure, and more!
- Moravian Youth “Stand Up For Jesus”
- Marquardt Village: Preserving the past, embracing the future
- Faith, purpose drive runner in New York City Marathon
- Camp Van Es Turns 70
- Welcoming back a restored Moravian art treasure
- Mwana Kondoo Ameshinda, Tumfuate
- Compassion Mission: Do We Give a Fish or Provide a Net?
- Ponderings: Hitting the calendar’s reset button
- Commentary: Continuing to serve in old and new places
- Official Provincial Elders’ News