Moravians from the northern U.S. and Canada will convene in Bethlehem, Pa., in late June for the...
Ponderings: Being part of a worldwide church
For many of us, being part of the Moravian Church means being part of a Moravian church – that is...
From the Bishop’s Corner
Each edition of The Moravian Magazine will now feature words from one of our Moravian bishops. This...
Official PEC News
Southern Province Margate Moravian Church The Provincial Elders’ Conference is pleased to announce...
Debt Jubilee Project helps retire millions in medical debt
Who would think that you could buy medical debt for a penny on the dollar? It’s crazy. But Trinity...
Minnesota congregation becomes the Northern Province’s newest...
This spring, a congregation worshipping in St. Paul, Minn., formally voted to become the Northern...
Sierra Leone visit reaffirms message, “God is good all the...
Evon Crooks In 2006 Safiatu and Mohamed Braima answered God’s call to return to their native...