Fourth Sunday after Pentecost
With Confidence and Courage
One has to admire the brutal honesty of Jesus in his commissioning of the disciples. He makes no attempt to hide the perils that they face as agents of change and heralds of God’s coming kingdom. They are the prey, willingly venturing into the teeth of a world that seeks to harm and persecute them.
Perhaps this is why there are so few laborers for the task at hand. The risk is too great, the reward too small, for many to take on the responsibility of the harvest. Indeed, the world remains a dangerous place, and the task of authentically following Jesus can often be exceedingly difficult. What comfort is there in the midst of this great challenge? What assuredness can be found in the torrent of human life?
I encourage us to look to the steadfastness of Jesus Christ. Jesus will not send us anywhere he is not himself willing to go. Thus, we can be comforted that we are always in the presence of the Savior, no matter where we go or what we do.
In addition, Jesus equips us for the tasks set before us. Our own talents and experiences are the tapestry where the kingdom of God is woven, our own hands and feet the tools of the harvest.
Let us go with confidence and courage along the path that God has set for us, following boldly in the example of the always truthful, always faithful, always present Jesus.
Reed Lawson, pastor, Christ Moravian Church
Winston-Salem, North Carolina