Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost
The Banquet Is Ready
Jesus had been speaking in parables about the entitlement of the Pharisees and chief priests when he launched into another story about a wedding banquet for the king’s son, comparing it to the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 22:1–14). The king sends his servants out several times to urge the invited folks to come, for everything is ready. But some are too busy, and some even mistreat the king’s messengers! Finally, the call goes out to gather everyone to come to the wedding supper, “good and bad,” until the banquet hall is filled.
Moravians famously regard the Communion Table as belonging to Jesus Christ, and we invite all to participate in the eucharistic meal, a foretaste of the heavenly banquet. We do not insist upon a common understanding of the Lord’s presence, or an assent to the same theological reasons for participating. We just invite folks to come and be fed, assuming that we are all hungry and thirsty, in need of grace.
In the same way, the banquet to which we each are invited at the end of time, the wedding banquet of the king’s son, invites all, “good and bad.” As for what to wear to this sumptuous feast, we sing about that in our memorial liturgy:
The Savior’s blood and righteousness
my beauty is, my glorious dress.
Thus well arrayed, I need not fear,
when in his presence I appear.
Vicki Jens-Page, pastor, Veedum Moravian Church
Pittsville, Wisconsin