The Rt. Rev. Chris Giesler presents the Ted Wilde Mission Service Award to the Rev. Marian Boyle-Rohloff and Ed Winney.
At a special worship service in October at West Side Moravian Church in Green Bay, Wisconsin, the Board of World Mission awarded both the Rev. Marian Boyle-Rohloff and Br. Ed Winney with the Ted Wilde Mission Service Award.
Each year, the Board of World Mission honors the memory of Ted Wilde, former BWM Executive Director and lifelong servant of Jesus Christ, by recognizing individuals who embody the mission spirit described in these words from a hymn written by brother Wilde in 1984 (Hymn 684 in the Moravian Book of Worship):
Christ, engage us in your mission;
worldwide let our parish be.
We take up this great commission,
traveling first to Calvary.
There absorbing, Christ-like going,
taught by your humility.
The Ted Wilde Mission Service Award recipients are Moravians who have been willing to take up the great commandment and the great commission by learning from our Chief Elder, Jesus Christ, and then engaging in humble service in his name. We honor those who have responded to God’s call to mission in our worldwide parish, keeping in mind that the world starts just outside our door.
This description of service fits the humble ministry of both Ed Winney and Marian Boyle-Rohloff, as they consistently and passionately commit their lives to ministry toward those at the margins of society.
Brother Ed Winney has spent almost 40 years volunteering in prison and jail ministries, from serving those currently incarcerated to supporting prison aftercare efforts, and tirelessly advocating for local and statewide legal system reform as part of West Side’s congregational justice ministries.
In addition to his service to those in prison, Ed has also served as a chaplain in one of the local seasonal homeless shelters, treating those without homes with respect and dignity, and honoring them as valued members of the community. Throughout all aspects of his ministry, Ed offers a humanizing approach to everyone he encounters. Knowing that a group can be more effective than a single person, Ed has always sought to connect more people from within the West Side congregation to this ministry. For example, he has spearheaded a holiday card project to offer greetings cards to those living at the County Jail. This has proved doable for those in the congregation who lack the time or mobility to help in other ways.
Additionally, Ed has served his congregation and others in preaching and teaching. He is a well-respected spiritual leader and voice for “the least of these” mentioned in Matthew 25, where Jesus says, “I was sick and in prison, and you visited me.”
Sister Marian Boyle-Rohloff has worked tirelessly for social and racial justice. She serves on the Moravian Racial Justice Team, organizing and helping to promote the pastoral pilgrimage to Montgomery, Alabama. Her leadership at the provincial level was also evident at the most recent Northern Province Synod, where she chaired the Church and Society Committee.
On the local level, Marian holds a leadership role in the Justice Organization Sharing Hope and United for Action (JOSHUA), where local congregations join together to work for social justice by lobbying state legislators. Within her congregation, Pastor Marian also started a Racial Justice and Equity team, which works to bring to light areas of injustice in the local community and educate others about the role systemic racism plays in maintaining inequality.
Through all of her involvement with countless committees, she works enthusiastically with a humble heart and a smile on her face. She leads with compassion in such a way that others are inspired to join in, always offering opportunities to serve that match the passions and abilities of those who would like to serve.
Through organizing Packer game parking to fundraise for outreach projects, participating in Juneteenth celebrations, singing solos in church, leading summer camps and encouraging youth participation, organizing book studies, supporting jail ministry, and more, Marian is an inspiration to all in her community, never discouraged when things do not go as planned, and unwilling to give up until important ministry is completed! Marian has been the Light of Christ by dedicating her time to Christ’s work and by encouraging others to be the Light of Christ with her.
With deep appreciation for these servants’ generosity – through their time, treasure, and exceptional talents – the Board of World Mission is honored to present Ed Winney and Rev. Marian Boyle-Rohloff with the 2023 Ted Wilde Mission Service Award.
Learn more about the BWM’s annual awards and nominate those who have given of themselves for the benefit of others at
Ed. Note: Article update to correct spelling of Ed Winney’s last name.