“Does Jesus work here?”
The little girl’s question was an affirmation as well as a sincere inquiry. She had just seen, for the first time, a brilliant, 110-point Moravian star at a candle tea, and she thought Jesus was nearby.
“The prayer of the Moravian Women’s Conference committee is that when we leave our 13th Conference in June, each of us is refreshed, motivated and committed anew to being Christ’s hands and feet in our communities and beyond and that people will know Christ is nearby because we have unleashed his power at work within us,” says Peggy Dodson of the conference committee.
The 13th Moravian Women’s conference in scheduled for June 20-23, 2019, in Winston-Salem, N.C. The conference site, Embassy Suites, is located in downtown Winston-Salem amid the arts district, shops, restaurants and other attractions which are just blocks from historic Moravian Old Salem.
“Participants in the 12th conference (in 2015) contributed many affirming comments about the warmth and purpose with which they returned home,” says Peggy. “They also gave the planning committee suggestions that are now incorporated into the 13th conference, so that this conference will also be one of promise and joy.”
Learning together
The Conference offers an opportunity for Moravian women from many places to learn, worship, sing and share ideas that strengthen faith and ties to the Moravian Church. During general sessions and “Imagine Sessions” (workshops), keynote speakers and workshop leaders will inform and challenge each participant to confidently live into the plan God has for her.
Rachel Held Evans, a New York Times bestselling author of A Year of Biblical Womanhood, Searching for Sunday and Inspired: Slaying Giants, Walking on Water, and Loving the Bible Again, will be the keynote speaker at the 13th Conference. She is also creator of a blog renown for conversation about Christianity and culture and is a popular speaker at churches, conferences and universities around the country.
Other women scheduled to speak include the Rt. Rev. Kay Ward, the first female bishop of the Moravian Unity; the Rev. Christie Melby-Gibbons, executive director of Tricklebee Café, an emerging ministry in Milwaukee, Wis.; the Rev. Dr. Heather Hartung Vacek, vice president for academic affairs, dean of faculty and associate professor of church history at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary; and Dena Grillo Fotuzi, a church leader and board member in the Moravian Church in Albania.
Conference registration is now open at moravianwomensconference.org. The website provides additional details and lodging opportunities (note that lodging is reserved separately so registrants may choose accommodations that suit their needs). Early Bird registration is $350 through February 6, 2019, and $415 thereafter.
Don’t miss this occasion for personal reflection and commitment in support of the collective impact of Moravian sisters worldwide as we Unleash our Power! We will make disciples and feed his sheep!