The 2023 Synod of the Northern Province of the Moravian Church in America elected Rev. Dr. Amy Gohdes-Luhman and Rev. Dr. Michael Johnson to serve as bishops of the Worldwide Moravian Unity.
Elected by the delegates at provincial synods, Moravian bishops serve as “pastors to pastors” (and their families), prayer intercessors and spiritual guides to the denomination and when commissioned, officiate at ordinations and consecrations. It is not unusual for the Provincial Elders’ Conference to consult with bishops on matters of doctrine, faith and church order.
“My heart is full to overflowing…it is good to be a church together,” said Amy, who serves as pastor of Waconia Moravian Church in Waconia, Minn. “I am thankful to God for the opportunity to serve in ministry with you as bishop, colleague, sister in Christ and fellow believer.”
“I commit to being the best bishop I can possibly be,” said Michael, who serves as pastor of John Hus Moravian Church in Brooklyn, N.Y. “I am thankful for those who have nurtured me, the congregations I have served and those on whose shoulders I stand. It is my hope that together with you we will work, love worship, pray and follow the Conquering Lamb.”
Michael and Amy join the Rt. Revs. Chris Giesler, Paul Graf, Hopeton Clennon, Doug Kleintop, Blair Couch and the Rt. Rev. Dr. Kay Ward as Moravian bishops in the Northern Province.
Brother Michael’s consecration has been scheduled for Oc1. 1, 4:00 p.m. at John Hus Moravian Church in Brooklyn, N.Y.; Sister Amy’s consecration has been scheduled for Nov. 5, 4:00 p.m. at Waconia Moravian Church in Waconia, Minn. Coverage of both consecrations will be shared in the Moravian Magazine and on