For many, it feels like we’re living in a time of constant stress and human tragedy. With natural disasters, racial unrest, political upheaval, economic uncertainty, mass shootings and terror attacks, we may find it difficult to find solace and peace.
In these times, the prayers offered in the 1995 Moravian Book of Worship can help us connect with God as we pray for peace and strength. We offer this reprint of The Intercessions for Times of Crisis with the hope that it reminds us of God’s constant presence and abiding comfort. May the prayers expressed here bring hope and healing. We encourage you to share with friends, family and your community as a witness to your faith.
(The following petitions may be used with a general or seasonal liturgy.)
God of mercy, God of comfort, we come before you in this time of difficulty, mindful of human frailty and need, confused and struggling to find meaning in the face of suffering.
We are grateful that even as we share in the joy of Christ Jesus, we can also share abundantly in comfort in the midst of suffering.
For victims of fire or flood, storm or earthquake, famine or disease,
For those whom disaster has left homeless, injured, or bereaved,
For refugees and those separated from loved ones,
(The liturgist may add specific petitions relating to the immediate crisis.)
For all who are in danger, trouble, or anguish,
We ask the presence and strength of your Spirit.
Give all who suffer the love that bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
We know that suffering produces endurance, endurance produces character, character produces hope, and hope does not disappoint us, because your love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit.
Be the support of all who give their strength, their skill, and their stamina in a ministry of mercy.
Open our hearts in generosity that we may be partners in their commitment to bring relief.
Where tempers flare and a partisan spirit provokes new hostility, raise up people who have patience and restraint.
Where indifference allows crisis to deepen and suffering to go without relief, awaken deliverers who have zeal and strength.
We pray for those who are engaged in making important decisions in this time, for those who report on these events, and for those who shape public opinion.
Give them the courage to speak out and the restraint to listen, that together we may discern the truth and hold aloft its light.
Take away the temptation to trust in human power and military solutions, and give us the courage to be your servants to the community of nations.
Direct all governments in the way of peace and justice, that your will may be known and done among the nations. Deliver us from the sins which lead to war and conflict, and strengthen within us the will to establish righteousness and justice on the earth.
We pray for those who are suffering and can make no sense of tragedy.
Help them to turn to the One who embraces us in our lives –even Jesus Christ, who lived and suffered among us.
There is no one who is righteous, not even one, for we have all turned away from you. Make us aware of our common need of a Savior, and remove from our hearts the pride, ambition, and greed that would lead us to enslave and demean other people.
Have mercy on your whole creation. Hasten the day when the kingdom of the world shall become your Kingdom, and by grace make us worthy to stand before you. Amen.
Download a formatted version of these Intercessions (PDF)