The Rev. Keith K. Harke Brother Keith K. Harke died April 11, 2019, in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania at...
Official PEC News May 2019
Moravian Music Sunday, May 19, 2019 The fifth Sunday of Easter, May 19, 2019, has been designated...
Create in Me: Sharing perspectives on worship and liturgy
In 2018, Create in Me features in The Moravian shared perspectives on worship and liturgy that we...
Ponderings: The Moravian Daily Texts…there’s an app for that!
The Moravian Daily Texts has been around, in one form or another, for almost 300 years. This year...
Florida retreat connects Bible to today
Joining our Floridian sisters and brothers always completes my joy. Their genuine welcome, “Sister...
Making an impact: your Moravian Ministries Foundation in America
Your Moravian Ministries Foundation in America helps individuals, churches and agencies grow and...