If you wish to mail your donation, please make checks payable to Board of World Mission and send to one of the following addresses:

U.S. Donors:
Board of World Mission
1021 Center Street
Bethlehem, PA 18018

Canadian Donors:
Moravian Church in Canada
600 Acadia Drive SE
Calgary, AB T2J 0B8
Interac e-Transfer donations may be sent to [email protected]. Please include your name and address in the comments section of the transfer to receive tax receipts.

*Please note that for Canadian and other non-U.S. based donors, the BWM is not able to provide an acknowledgment letter for tax purpose outside of the U.S. While donations from outside the U.S. can be made via our secure giving platform, they are not able to be acknowledged with a tax receipt.

In the memo line and any attached correspondence please clearly indicate whether you wish that your donation be designated to a specific program. We also greatly appreciate general donations which help us to be flexible and respond where the need is greatest.

Thank you for your generosity in helping the Board of World Mission to be better able to serve your efforts to engage in God’s mission!

In order to truly make an impact and grow ministries around the world, the BWM counts on generous and committed donors to expand our capacity. Consider a donation to one of the categories below… and if possible, use our secure online system to make it an automatically recurring gift!

We offer you the following opportunities to donate to the Board of World Mission:

General — A donation here allows the Board the greatest flexibility to insure that particular initiatives in need of funding to expand, will receive it.

Mission Grants— Mission Grants are made available to partners on an application basis. The BWM works with partners to help shape projects, then invest resources where we have the ability to partner and see a project through to completion.  The goal of these efforts is to develop and support local leaders as they design, implement, and evaluate these programs. Previously funded grants have provided advanced education scholarships, invested in small business start-ups and expansion, and a variety of other local initiatives to strengthen communities and increase economic prosperity. If you are looking to financially support an area of the BWM’s work, we highly suggest a gift towards “Mission Grants” to allow us to meet our goal of expanding this program and funding more tangible, life-changing programs!

Ahuas Clinic – a donation to the clinic supports the staff of doctors and nurses to provide medical care to the people of La Mosquitia in Honduras. Programs range from preventative health (infant feeding program) to emergency surgeries and pre-natal care.

Moravian Disaster Response — A donation here insures that the BWM can respond effectively to disasters nationally and internationally, especially where these disasters occur within the Unity.

Education Projects — Education has been a Moravian core value since the founding of the Church in 1457. Gifts to this fund will support educational ministries around the world – theological education, vocational training, youth education, and more.


Planned Giving

Do you care about mission work?  We hope you care about the work of the Board of World Mission, so much that you would like for us to continue to minister, serve, develop, and thrive for generations into the future.

Funding future ministry by making planned gifts is a critical part of sustainable stewardship.  Gift planning involves thought and consideration ahead of time that, in turn, makes a difference now and in the future.  We hope you will consider making such a gift to us.  For more information or help with a planned gift, please call Chris Spaugh of the Moravian Ministries Foundation at 888-722-7923 or visit the website https://giftplanning.mmfa.info/giving-options.