In late January 2025, BWM Executive Director Justin Rabbach and Unity Board Administrator Rev...
Messages from Katya, a Teacher in Ukraine
The following messages come from Katya, one of the teachers in Kyiv, Ukraine, whose salary is...
An Update from the Sierra Leone Ministry Committee
Below, please find a January 2025 update from the Sierra Leone Ministry Committee of Little Church...
Ahuas Spotlight: Winter 2024/25
Click here to make a financial contribution to the Ahuas Clinic.
Theological Education Flourishes in Tabora, Tanzania
Over the past two years, the Board of World Mission has provided Mission Grant funding to the...
Ahuas Clinic Medical Board Meetings: November 2024
In November 2024, BWM Executive Director Justin Rabbach had the opportunity to travel to the Ahuas...
MDR Update: Tropical Storm Sara and Hurricane Helene (November...
The Board of World of World Mission continues to coordinate emergency funding and mission teams...
Moravian Disaster Response to Hurricane Helene: Rebuilding Home...
This home in Lansing, North Carolina, was flooded during Hurricane Helene and needs a complete...
August 2024 Visit to Costa Rica
In late August 2024, BWM Director of Mission Outreach the Rev. Angelica Regalado-Cieza visited...
Report from Br. Will Cuthbert on August 2024 Trip to Honduras
Br. Will Cuthbert is a youth minister in the Moravian Church in Costa Rica and, since attending the...
MDR Update: Hurricane Beryl in Jamaica (August 30, 2024)
Our siblings in Jamaica have sent us photos (see below) of the extensive damage caused by Hurricane...
MDR Update: Hurricane Debby (August 8, 2024)
The Board of World Mission is the agency that helps coordinate the North American Moravian response...
Labrador Youth Experience Camp at Laurel Ridge
This summer, the Board of World Mission coordinated an extensive camper exchange network for young...
August 1, 2024: Day of Prayer for the Unity Province of the...
The first Thursday in August is the Board of World Mission’s Day of Prayer for our Moravian...
2023 Annual Report
The Board of World Mission’s 2023 annual report is here! Take a look in these pages and see...
Moravian Church in Newfoundland & Labrador Provincial Synod
The Mission Province of the Moravian Church in Newfoundland and Labrador has long been a valued...
Phase Two of the Blessings Flow Project
The first phase of the Blessings Flow water filter project was completed on April 24th, 2024, with...
One Year of Blessings Flow!
We are celebrating one year of the Blessings Flow Project as well as the completion of the first...
Ray of Hope Update April 2024
Many Moravians are familiar with Ray of Hope, a Moravian ministry in Kenya that began as an...
April 18, 2024: Day of Prayer for the Moravian Church in Cuba
The roots of Moravian ministry in Cuba go back to the late 1990s when Rev. Robert Sawyer (then...
Youth Workshop and Musical Gala in Havana
Brother Will Cuthbert from Costa Rica was one of the participants at our 2022 Moravian Resources...
Debt Jubilee at the Ahuas Clinic
In the summer of 2023, generous donors contributed over $100,000 to medical debt relief through the...
Ahuas Clinic Medical Board Meetings: March 2024
The local Honduran Medical Board which oversees the work and administration of the Ahuas Clinic met...
March 7th, 2024: Day of Prayer for Moravian Church in Northern...
The first Thursday in March is the Board of World Mission’s day of prayer for the Moravian...
Bishop Consecration in Cuba
The Rt. Rev. Obed Martínez was consecrated a bishop of the Moravian Unity on Saturday, January 27th...
Blessings Flow in Tumtum Tara
Tumtum Tara (meaning “Big Flower” in Miskito) was the first village to receive clean...
MDR Update: Israel and Palestine (November 22, 2023)
Since the most recent escalation of violence in Israel and Palestine, the Board of World Mission...
2023 Synod of the Moravian Church in Nicaragua
BWM Executive Director Justin Rabbach attended the 2023 Synod of the Moravian Church in...
MDR Update: Israel and Palestine (October 13, 2023)
This is an update on the Moravian ministries and connections currently being impacted by the...
Ahuas Spotlight: Fall 2023
2023 Unity Synod
Unity Synod, the constitutional body of the Unitas Fratrum, convenes representatives from all...
Mission Grant Funding for Vehicle in Western Tanzania
BWM mission grant funding recently supported the purchase of a new car for the Moravian Church in...
RCA Global Mission Concludes Partnership with the Ahuas Clinic
The Board of World Mission offers its gratitude to the Reformed Church in America (RCA) Global...
Young Adult Gathering in Hejnice, Czech Republic
In early August, the Board of World Mission sent four young adults, Molly Williams...
2023 National Conference of the Moravian Church in Peru
The Moravian Church in Peru held their third National Conference in early August and elected new...
2023 Camp Cuba
In mid-July, our brothers and sisters in Cuba held their annual summer camping ministry. Several...
“Blessings Flow” Clean Water Project
Blessings Flow Waterborne illnesses are a persistent issue in many of our global partner areas, due...
2022 Annual Report
The Board of World Mission’s 2022 Annual Report is here! Please take a moment to read about...
Unity Mission & Development Board Meets in Wisconsin
The Unity Mission & Development Board (UMDB) is meeting this week at Mt. Morris Camp &...
New Partnership with the Moravian Church in Northern Tanzania
On Thursday, March 30th, the Board of World Mission and the Moravian Church in Northern Tanzania...
Meet Hanna: An Update from the Moravian High School in Hejnice...
Moravian Disaster Response to Ukraine: Update from Hejnice, Czech Republic We recently shared a...
Cuban Provincial Synod 2023
Last week, the Cuban Mission Province held their Provincial synod in the city of Havana, where they...
Moravian Disaster Response to Earthquakes in Turkey and Syria
News reports this week tell us of massive earthquakes that have brought death and destruction to...
An Update from the Sierra Leone Ministry Committee
The Board of World Mission gives thanks for the work of Little Church on the Lane’s Sierra...
2023 Unity Prayer Day Offering
March 1st is observed as the founding of the Unitas Fratrum and the first Sunday in March (March 5...
Art Workshops in Costa Rica
The Board of World Mission’s stated purpose is to build relationships through Mission...
Moravian Disaster Response to Ukraine – January 17, 2023...
Update from Hejnice, Czech Republic One Moravian organization responding to the Ukraine Crisis is a...
Updates from a BWM-Supported Ukrainian Teacher
January 14th, 2023 On the day that Sabina began writing this update (December 5th), there was a...
Seed Distribution in Honduras and Nicaragua
It’s not exactly planting season here in North America, but at the Board of World Mission, we have...
Moravian Disaster Response to Ukraine – January 6, 2023...
Update from Nová Paka, Czech Republic Thank you for your dedicated support of the Moravian Disaster...
Hurricane Relief in Honduras
Following Hurricanes Ian and Julia, Brother Rick Nelson has traveled from Wisconsin to Honduras to...
Continued Blessings After the BWM Moravian Resources Conference
In September, 50 Moravians from 10 countries gathered in Panama for our Conferencia de Recursos...
Moravian Disaster Response to Hurricanes Ian and Julia —...
The Board of World Mission continues to be in contact with our partners in Cuba and Nicaragua...
Moravian Disaster Response to Hurricane Julia — 10/13/22...
We have received additional updates from our brothers and sisters in Nicaragua following Hurricane...
Moravian Disaster Response to Hurricanes Ian and Julia –...
Hurricane Ian first made landfall in western Cuba on September 27th as a category 3 hurricane with...
Conferencia de Recursos Moravos
In September 2022, we were blessed to gather in person with representatives from all of our Spanish...
Moravian Disaster Response to Hurricane Ian
Hurricane Ian first made landfall in western Cuba on September 27, 2022, as a category 3 hurricane...
Lay Ministers Commissioned in Labrador
The Board of World Mission rejoices with the Moravian Church in Newfoundland & Labrador upon...
2022 Interprovincial Youth Meet
Come to the Table: Spiritual Renewal Awaits Join together via Zoom with youth and young adults from...
Moravian Disaster Response Update – July 13, 2022
Ukraine Refugees & Flooding in Honduras The Board of World Mission takes this opportunity to...
Education Efforts in Response to the Ukrainian Crisis
When BWM Executive Director Justin Rabbach recently had the opportunity to visit the Czech...
Honduras Unity Province Special Synod
Recently, the Unity Province in Honduras held a special Synod to reform their constitution. 114...
Update from Medical Student Dominga Henríquez Fedrick
Dominga Henríquez Fedrick is studying medicine in Bilwi, Nicaragua and has received support from...
2021 Annual Report
The Board of World Mission is pleased to present our 2021 Annual Report, which offers an overview...
Moravian Disaster Response Information Regarding the Ukrainian...
This page will include current updates on Moravian work surrounding the Ukrainian crisis. Please...
Unity Board Meeting
Board of World Mission Executive Director Justin Rabbach is in Liberec, Czech Republic to translate...
Ordination and Consecration in Cuba
The BWM celebrates with the Mission Province of Cuba upon the important worship service which took...
Education in Western Tanzania
The Moravian Church in Western Tanzania has a Department of Education, which oversees the two...
Continued Growth in Western Tanzania
The Moravian Church in Western Tanzania has been growing rapidly for the last few decades. That...
Solar System Installation at the Ahuas Clinic
We have received wonderful news from Dr. Ted Riven, the director of the medical program in Ahuas...
Meet Pastor Tania Sánchez Fonseca
Pastor Tania Sánchez Fonseca is the President of the Moravian Church in Cuba. Watch this video to...
Moravian Church in Newfoundland & Labrador: Christmas Meal...
McKinley and Darlene Winters, current Seminary students on track to be the next ordained Moravian...
Youth Arts Group in Paptalaya, Honduras
Please enjoy this video from the youth arts group of the Bethel Evangelical Moravian Church in the...
Celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the Clínica Evangélica Morava
Thank you to all who joined us for our online celebration of the 75th anniversary of the Clínica...
Unity Mission and Development Board Meetings in Dar es Salaam...
BWM Executive Director Justin Rabbach has just returned from a wonderful week of connecting with...
The Moravian Church in Newfoundland and Labrador (MCNL)’s...
The Moravian Church in Newfoundland and Labrador (MCNL) held their Synod earlier this month in...
McKinley and Darlene Winters’ Faith Journey
The above photo of McKinley and Darlene Winters was taken on their Confirmation Day in 2020. We are...
Updates from Michael and Ceci Tesh in Kenya
The Board of World Mission is grateful to Michael and Ceci Tesh for sending updates on their work...
Children’s Day in Costa Rica
The Moravian Church in Costa Rica sent us this video of their annual Children’s Day...
Update on the Little Moravian Bubbles Laundromat in Lima, Perú
The Board of World Mission is grateful to Pastor Manuel for this update on the Lavandería Burbujita...
Update on the Amazon Region in Perú
The Board of World Mission is thankful to Pastor Joaquín, the President of the Moravian Church in...
Update on the Seminario Moravo Latinoamericano in Chiclayo, Perú
Pastor Christopher Valencia Alcantara has generously provided the BWM with an update on the...
Video Update on Haiti Earthquake, Afghanistan Refugee...
The Rt. Rev. Chris Giesler provides a video update on Moravian Disaster Response work related to...
Aseel’s Story: Star Mountain
Star Mountain Rehabilitation Center (SMRC) is an institution of the Worldwide Moravian Church...
Moravian Disaster Response Update on Afghanistan Refugee...
With the withdrawal of military personnel and foreign citizens now complete, many Afghans are...
Moravian Disaster Response on Hurricane Ida
As this report is being prepared, reports of damage from Hurricane Ida are just beginning to come...
Moravian Disaster Response to Earthquake Victims in Haiti
Update 8/31: At present, the death toll is over 2,200 persons, with over 12,000 injured. Moravians...
Grant from Samaritan’s Purse Spent on Medical Supplies
The $10,000 grant from Samaritan’s Purse was used to purchase medicines following the destruction...
2020 Annual Report
Share Our Stories: Benno and Teresa Marx
This blog post is part of a series recounting the trips of volunteers to the clinic in Ahuas...
Photos from Dominga Henriquez Fedrick
Check out these photos send to us by (soon to be) Dr. Dominga Henriquez Fedrick. Dominga is in her...
Star Mountain Rehabilitation Center Annual Report 2020
Check out the annual report on the work being done at the Star Mountain Rehabilitation Center in...
Church Construction Begins in Yandohun
Today we celebrate with the Mission Areas of Sierra Leone as work begins to lay the foundation of a...
Report on Construction of Pit Latrine in Uganda
The following report was sent to us by our partners in Uganda: As part of the proceeds from the...
Update on Aid to St. Vincent Following Volcanic Erruptions
The La Soufrière volcano on the Caribbean island of St. Vincent began a series of explosive...
Shelter Box Kits Arrive at the Mission Province Office in Ahuas
This video shows a portion of the Shelter Box kits being unloaded at the Mission Province office in...
Flooding in Ahuas Continues to Bring Damage to the Community
For a few days last week, there were heavy rains in Honduras. The rains caused severe flooding...
Honduras Bible Institute Celebrates Graduation
On Sunday, March 14th the Honduras Unity Province celebrated a graduation ceremony for new pastors...
Cumulative Update on MDR Hurricane Response
The following was written by Rick Nelson to serve as an update to our board. The Board of...
The Hosanna Anthem Sung from Around the World
This year, many Moravian congregations will still be worshiping online on Palm Sunday when we...