The roots of Moravian ministry in Cuba go back to the late 1990s when Rev. Robert Sawyer (then...
Youth Workshop and Musical Gala in Havana
Brother Will Cuthbert from Costa Rica was one of the participants at our 2022 Moravian Resources...
Bishop Consecration in Cuba
The Rt. Rev. Obed Martínez was consecrated a bishop of the Moravian Unity on Saturday, January 27th...
2023 Camp Cuba
In mid-July, our brothers and sisters in Cuba held their annual summer camping ministry. Several...
Cuban Provincial Synod 2023
Last week, the Cuban Mission Province held their Provincial synod in the city of Havana, where they...
Moravian Disaster Response to Hurricanes Ian and Julia —...
The Board of World Mission continues to be in contact with our partners in Cuba and Nicaragua...
Moravian Disaster Response to Hurricanes Ian and Julia –...
Hurricane Ian first made landfall in western Cuba on September 27th as a category 3 hurricane with...
Conferencia de Recursos Moravos
In September 2022, we were blessed to gather in person with representatives from all of our Spanish...
Moravian Disaster Response to Hurricane Ian
Hurricane Ian first made landfall in western Cuba on September 27, 2022, as a category 3 hurricane...
Meet Pastor Tania Sánchez Fonseca
Pastor Tania Sánchez Fonseca is the President of the Moravian Church in Cuba. Watch this video to...
Covid-19’s Impact in Cuba
The Rev. Tania Sanchez is president of the Provincial Board of the Moravian Mission Province in...
“Jesus Loves Me” from Cuba!
The Board of World Mission recently asked our partner provinces to send us a video of children in...
ARMF Newsletter
Please use the link below to read the latest monthly newsletter from the Armando Rusindo Mission...
Share Your Mission Story: Camp Cuba
Camp Cuba brings together Moravian Brothers and Sisters from the US and Cuba.
Moravian Daycare in Cuba
Sister Yadira Quintana’s smile says it all! She is blessed to be a blessing. Sister Yadira has...
Havana, Cuba Hit by Tornado.
A tornado has ripped through portions of Havana, Cuba. Here is the initial communication that we...