Supporting the Global Church

The Great Commandment and the Great Commission are Christ’s call and direction for how we are to actively live our faith in the world. Each and everything we do stems from reminders to love God and our neighbors and to share Christ’s message the world over. Through our work with global partners around the Moravian Unity, we seek to assist in growing churches and strengthening communities, as well as developing leadership to help these areas begin their own mission outreach efforts.

Partner Provinces

The Board of World Mission of the Moravian Church in North America (BWM) works with global partners in mission, accompanying them in a variety of ways as they develop in ministry within their specific contexts.

The Board of World Mission is one of several mission agencies throughout the Unity.  Each mission agency is assigned to partner with some of our Unity provinces and mission areas called “Partner Provinces”. Below are a list of the Partner Provinces of the BWM. Click on any of the partners listed to learn more about that area!

Independent Provinces

Costa Rica
Eastern West Indies
Western Tanzania
Northern Tanzania

Mission Provinces

Newfoundland and Labrador

Mission Areas
Sierra Leone

Partner Ministries and Organizations
Star Mountain Rehabilitation Center (Palestine)
Adopt-A-Village (Tanzania)
Armando Rusindo Mission Foundation (Cuba)
Rajpur Children’s Ministry (India)
Ray of Hope Orphanage (Kenya)