The Board of World Mission offers its gratitude to the Reformed Church in America (RCA) Global Mission team for its many years of dedicated support to the Ahuas Clinic. August 31st marked the completion of RCA Global Mission’s direct partnership with the Clínica Evangélica Morava in Ahuas, Honduras. For the past several decades, RCA Global Mission has offered varying levels of financial support to the Ahuas Clinic and the Alas de Socorro flight ministry. RCA Global Mission leadership has worked closely with the Board of World Mission during the past five years to prepare for this transition in funding.
The more recent years of funding from RCA Global Mission have gone to directly support the salaries of doctors on staff at the clinic. Dr. Kenneth Serapio, who holds the distinction of being the first Miskito surgeon, has been supported by the Reformed Church in America for many years.
More generally, individual RCA congregations and members have supported and taken part in short-term mission teams. They have also offered strong financial support for medical programs, construction projects, husbandry programs, and other community development projects.
As this partnership concludes, we are grateful for all of the good work that the support of RCA Global Mission has accomplished in La Mosquitia and we look forward to the continued, strong support of individuals and congregations within the RCA community – as well as the exploration of new partnership opportunities with RCA Global Mission.