This is an update on the Moravian ministries and connections currently being impacted by the escalation of violence in Israel and Palestine.
First, Star Mountain Rehabilitation Center in Palestine is a Unity Undertaking, meaning it is a ministry that is supported by the entirety of the Moravian worldwide church. Founded in 1959 this ministry does amazing work with children and adults living with developmental disabilities. The BWM annually supports the salary of both a speech therapist and an occupational therapist on their staff. (Visit their website to learn more about their work.)
Star Mountain is located in Ramallah, in the West Bank. So, when you hear about the blockades (shut off of food, electricity, water, etc.), rocket attacks, and planned ground attacks into the Gaza Strip, that is a different location. However, many restrictions are still being applied to the West Bank as well.The Board of World Mission (BWM) has been able to receive several direct updates from our contacts:
“The situation is really terrible. All checkpoints are closed. Israel asked everyone to stock up for three days. Jerusalem municipality opened shelters and have them ready. Streets are empty. Shops closed.
We have never witnessed such an escalation. It has become so dangerous that anyone can get attacked at any minute. No one is supposed to go out when it gets dark. Hope things will get quiet soon. It’s a bit safer in the Westbank compared to Jerusalem, especially in areas that are far from settlements such as Ramallah and Star Mountain. We closed the center for two days only but are now back as usual. Everyone is sending support messages and this gives us so much courage to bear this situation.”
The BWM has proactively sent $10,000 to this ministry to help them respond as needed in the days ahead – and Ranya has sent her thanks to Moravians in North America for this early support.We are not, at this time, able to pass along any direct partner requests to assist in this situation, but we will continue to monitor the ever-changing details, and respond as needed and requested. If you would like to make a donation to our work to help us be prepared for this potential need, and any other disaster situations, then we encourage you to make a donation generally to our Moravian Disaster Relief (MDR) fund at
Please continue to hold Star Mountain, and all impacted by this violence in your prayers.
God of love and God of peace, we lift up to you this day the people of Israel and Palestine as some of its towns and cities have become war zones. We pray for families who have lost loved ones, we pray for those who have been injured, and we pray for those who care for the wounded. We pray most especially for the leaders who make the decisions that affect so many people. We pray for our friends at the Star Mountain Rehabilitation Center in Ramallah, Palestine. May they be kept safe and out of harm’s way. We pray for peace to come. Come, Lord Jesus, come to bring warring parties together in dialogue so that innocent lives can be saved, and order restored. In the name of the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ we pray. Amen.