Mission Crew Reflection Guide
Simple Guide for Leading the Reflection Process in Service and Mission Experiences
What? Describe, without judgement or evaluation, your observations and experiences- using examples when possible.
- What did you do today? What was your role? What did you contribute?
- What was the best/worst/most challenging thing that happened?
- Describe the people you met today. What were your interactions like?
- Invite reflection on the senses: What did you see? Hear? Smell? Taste? Touch?
- Were you comfortable or uncomfortable today?
- Did anything frustrate you?
- Where did you see God at work?
- How does this experience compare to others you’ve had?
So what? Reflect on experiences- Both feelings and thoughts that allow you to think about, process and interpret the experience.
- What feelings or emotions did you experience while serving? What impact did it have on you?”
- What did you appreciate (about another person, the site, your experience, etc.)?
- What is new in your relationship with God?
- Do you feel like you were able to contribute as a part of the team?
- How did it change your thinking about (choose a topic or issue)?
- Who determines what is best (for people, for the community, for the Earth, etc.)?
- In what ways has your understanding of service/servanthood changed?
- Is service always helpful or effective?
Now what? Consider the implications of the experience and how learning might influence changes in your life.
- Where do we go from here? What’s the next step?
- What changes might you make in your life?
- What are you interested in learning more about?
- How might you (or our group) become involved in advocacy issues related to the service experience?
- How does this experience challenge you to live as a Christian in the world?
- How might God be calling you to use your gifts in light of this experience?
- In what ways can you share your experience and your learning with others?
Now that you have returned, it is time to share your story. This means using the notes you took in your journal and any picture you may have to tell about your mission experience. We encourage participants to share their story with their congregation when asked or to any other group that is interested. If you would rather write something, the BWM is always looking for articles to share on our website.
The main point it, you’ve done it! Now it is time to share the experience with those at home, be sure to utilize your journal.
Don’t forget to send thank you cards to those who supported your journey!
Now that you have returned, it is time to share your story. This means using the notes you took in your journal and any picture you may have to tell about your mission experience. We encourage participants to share their story with their congregation when asked or to any other group that is interested. If you would rather write something, the BWM is always looking for articles to share on our website.
The main point it, you’ve done it! Now it is time to share the experience with those at home, be sure to utilize your journal.
Don’t forget to send thank you cards to those who supported your journey!
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