Module 9: Team Covenant

Participating in a Short-Term Mission Team is an exciting opportunity to stretch your faith and see Christ use you in new ways. It’s also a serious responsibility because by making a commitment to a team you are representing Christ, your church, and in some cases a hosting ministry. As a group, create a covenant that is relevant to your mission experience. Include expectations you have for one another and yourself. Below is an example covenant, you can modify this one or start from scratch.

As a Member of this Short-Term Mission team, I commit myself to:

  • Daily cultivating my walk with the Lord.
  • Attempting to live above reproach publicly and privately.
  • Submitting to my team and church leaders.
  • Respecting and honoring the culture in which I am serving.
  • Participating fully in team preparation and training.
  • Meeting my portion of team costs either through support raising or personal payment.

Team commitment and Covenant

  • I agree to attend all training sessions prior to our departure.
  • I agree to complete all training assignments prior to our departure.
  • I agree to read the following statements, then sign and date:

I realize that being a part of this team is a responsibility as well as a privilege. I realize that I will be expected to…

  • Be committed to the team.
  • Have a positive attitude in all circumstances.
  • Be an ambassador of Jesus Christ as I proclaim His name in all the earth.
  • Obey the direction and leadership of those leading the trip.
  • Proactively serve during training, in mission, and at home.
  • Strive to be culturally sensitive to my host culture at all times.
  • Complete all tasks and studies as directed by the leadership of this team.


Click here to download the Complete Training Packet

<Module 8                Training Overview                Module 10>