Summer at Laurel Ridge for 2018 will be a wonderful and action-packed season of growing and learning together! In addition to the faith, fun and learning of the Moravian camp in the mountains, campers will focus on themes of...
Ponderings: Living in my “intersynodal period”
One of the things I love about my work is learning—and using—new words. Before joining the IBOC, I had never used words like “hymnody” or “Lovefeast” or even “Interprovincial.” My word for today? “Intersynodal.” It’s a term used...
Moravian Camping in Mid-States
The goal of the Middle States Youth Ministry Council is to ensure that the youth and young adults...
Northern Province Synod prepares to gather, grow and go
Every four years, Moravians from each North American Province gather to “do the business of the...
Official Provincial Elders’ News
NORTHERN PROVINCE Outdoor Ministries Sunday, June 3, 2018 The 1994 Synod of the Moravian...
Southern Province elects two new bishops
On the same day in 1978, the Revs. Carol Foltz and Tom Shelton graduated from Moravian Theological...
Southern Province elects new leadership
Delegates to the 2018 Synod of the Moravian Church, Southern Province, elected the new Provincial...
Southern Province Synod charts courageous path forward
In April, more than 230 delegates to the 2018 Southern Province Synod developed, discussed, debated...
Doing mission at “Camp Hope”
No one is too young to do mission, especially as part of a team. That is what campers will be...
Worship is like gardening
One of the things I enjoy most is gardening and growing food. I’m a volunteer Master Gardener with...
Poetry as a source of liturgy
The idea behind “Create in Me” is to get us talking about worship. As you read this month’s...
Summer at Camp Van-Es
Our goal at Camp Van-Es is to help children explore faith in Jesus Christ in a natural setting. We...
Crossroads: Traveling the Journey of Faith
Yogi Berra once said, “When you come to a fork in the road, take it.” Sometimes the guidance we...