CCD Spotlight Blog

Prayer Filled Days

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We, as a Moravian community, have recently had the days of prayer during the Lenten season. Many of these services were held virtually this year prior to the joyful Easter service.

I have had the blessing of attending a few of these services during my Christian journey but in truth, work has kept me from participating regularly. Romans 12:12 says, “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.”

Photo via Pixabay.

I was taught at a young age to talk to God about anything, I pray all day long. Prayers never expire so comfort is found in the fact that my loved ones who prayed for me may be gone, but their prayers for protection still surround me. Our Amish brothers and sisters recite the Lord’s Prayer at meals and twice during church services. The Lord’s Prayer is not a noun but a verb.

Almost a decade ago, two young Moravian men hiked a good portion of the Appalachian Trail. Roman Brady and my son, Robert Boyles set out from Springer Mountain, Ga. Many in our Moravian family provided support by supplying food, giving rides, joining for a few miles on the trail, and prayers. Lots and lots of prayers.

Photo of Robert Boyles while hiking the AT.

Not too many days into the hike it was pouring down, a cold, soaking rain. As a mother, I knew that prayer was needed for these two exhausted travelers. I could not sleep, which is not normal for me. In my sleeplessness, I prayed and then spent a few moments on Facebook. While on Facebook, I saw a prayer for those in the elements posted from one of the Moravian Churches in Minnesota. Stumbling upon this post gave me comfort. I felt the reassurance and comfort of my Lord. I knew that these young men would be safe in His arms. Jesus was with them in the storm. Being “sheltered” from the storm, the Lord sent calm to me as well.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Philippians 4:6

About the Author

Photo courtesy of Jo Beth Holland Boyles.

Jo Beth Holland Boyles has a great appreciation for history and genealogy. She serves the Lord by playing the flute at Bethabara Moravian Church. Her husband, Robby, sings in the choir and she has two grown children, Katie and Robert. The picture above is of Jo Beth from the 1970s at Historic Bethabara.

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