What’s happening with these Educator Gatherings? We’re happy to unveil a full calendar of monthly meetings from Fall 2023 until Summer 2024. Prior to COVID-19, the CCD (formerly BCM) held these regular gatherings of church educators nearly monthly on the 1st Thursday of each month. During the craziness of the past few years, we got out of the habit and are trying to restore a pattern of gathering for support, networking, crowdsourcing, and all the other potential benefits of having one another as a community of people passionate about faith formation. One of our current goals is to restore this opportunity and potentially widen the circle of support for volunteers and church staff members alike!
Mark your calendars now for these planned gatherings over the next year.
On Thursdays (12:30 p.m. – 2 p.m.) join us in the Cedarhyrst Conference Room or via Zoom.
The dates are as follows:
- September 7
- November 2
- December 7
- January 4
- March 7
- April 11
- May 2
- June 6
(Note that we won’t plan to gather in October, February, July, and August due to other events or peak vacation/program time.)
Anyone working with Faith Formation or Educational Ministries are welcome to join in – we’re offering a midday option (in-person or Zoom) for now, but let us know if you would like to be part of an evening option to give a wider variety of schedules the opportunity to take part!
The Cedarhyrst Conference Room is at 459 S. Church Street in Old Salem, Winston-Salem in our Lending Library spaces. Limited street parking and lot parking is available near the building.
Bring your own lunch and join us for these opportunities for group sharing, support, and resourcing.
The ZOOM meeting link can be found HERE.
Meeting ID: 822 3945 1878
Passcode: 487064