For more than 10 years, I’ve had many opportunities to capture the life and work of the Moravian...
Historic Bethlehem continues efforts to be named World Heritage...
In 2016, Historic Moravian Bethlehem National Historic Landmark District, 14.7 acres in the heart...
Ministry partnership offers a place for all to belong in Winston...
Those experiencing homelessness are met with many challenges, but one of the greatest needs is the...
Districts bring Moravians together for virtual synods
Along with many other aspects of church life, the districts of the Northern Province had to...
Celebrating the 2020 and 2021 graduates of Moravian...
Living through the pandemic has been like building a bridge one plank at a time across a flooding...
A decade of discretionary grants helps Larger Life Foundation...
One million dollars is a big number. It is a number you expect to only hear talked about in...
A different kind of synod…
Under normal circumstances, pastors, delegates and representatives from congregations across the...
“I am the living bread that came down from heaven…”...
Each week, Moravians across the U.S., Canada and the Caribbean share a common message through their...
Youth making an impact at Mission Camp
A phrase often heard around congregations when talking about Sunday School or youth groups goes...
Obituary: Rev. Robert M. Peek
The Rev. Robert M. Peek, age 77, joined the heavenly Church Triumphant Friday, May 21, 2021. After...
Obituary: Mrs. Valarie Ferguson
Sister Valarie Rose (Brown) Ferguson died June 17, 2021 at age 58. She was born April 20, 1963 at...
Official Provincial Elders’ News
NORTHERN PROVINCE Presbyterial Consecration Sister Rhonda Robinson, presently serving as pastor of...
Board of World Mission helps sponsor Mt. Morris Service Camp
The first annual Board of World Mission sponsored service camp at Mt. Morris Camp & Retreat...