The third Thursday in February is the Board of World Mission’s Day of Prayer for Moravian ministries in Rajpur, India. We invite you to join us in praying for our siblings in Rajpur.
The Moravian Church operates an educational facility known as “the Moravian Institute” which operates out of three campuses in northern India. Children are accepted on a basis of need and given dormitory care and a quality education. Many of the children are orphaned, and preference is given to girls, who often do not have other opportunities to access an education. Religious affiliation is not taken into consideration, but the Institute is Moravian and morning assembly includes a time of devotion and prayer. Students are sponsored through the Rajpur Foster Child Project, which has been heavily supported by Moravians in Canada. Students who graduate and wish to pursue higher education are often supported by their sponsors or they can apply for a loan from the Lasting Legacy Project.
The prayer requests from our siblings in Rajpur are as follows:
1. Praise God for His grace in granting Foreign Contribution Registration with the Govt. of India that enables Moravian Institute (MI) to continue receiving funds from outside India.
2. Praise God for His people’s participation in ministry with prayer support.
3. Praise God for enabling MI to continue all its programs for children and higher education for young people.
4. Praise God for successful First South Asia Moravian Church (SAMC) Mission Province’s Provincial Synod and election of first Provincial Board in January 2024.
Please pray for:
1. God’s gracious protection and guidance of young people at Moravian Institute finishing Grade 12 or finishing Higher Ed and starting the next phase of their careers / callings.
2. Family (wife, Archana, daughter Jessica and son Joshua) of Br. Robin Amos, Moravian Institute Board member, who passed away on 22nd January.
3. Dedicated and skilled people to lead and work in MI – on the Board, senior management, staff to teach, care for children, support admin and maintenance – at all 3 campuses – Rajpur, Binnakandi, Chiktan,
4. Upgrades of infrastructure in all 3 campuses, especially new buildings – in Chiktan planned to start in spring of 2024, and hopefully in Binnakandi and Rajpur in the longer term.
5. Execution of Plan for College at Rajpur, supported by Himalayan Alliance Inc. (execution currently held up because of radical changes in statutory regulations).